What to Look for When Evaluating a Social Media Management Platform

So you need a social media platform to help you with your day to day marketing tasks that cover everything from publishing to customer service to reporting, sound familiar? So how do you cut through the marketing noise and find a tool that will actually give you what you need? It’s easier said than done … Continue reading What to Look for When Evaluating a Social Media Management Platform

How to Begin Evaluating Social Marketing Efforts

How can we better evaluate our social marketing efforts and find ROI for our organization? It’s the question that always comes up, social media ROI and how can it be measured? Nowadays when I hear this it just means something different to me, it’s a marketer asking in a roundabout way where do I begin … Continue reading How to Begin Evaluating Social Marketing Efforts

The Problem with Social Media Coverage of the Boston Marathon Tragedy

I listened, shared and watched the details of the Boston Marathon bombing unfold via social media. It captivated a nation and through the power of social media we collectively stood together in unity seeing through every detail leading to the capture of the remaining bombing suspect which I will intentionally not make mention of by … Continue reading The Problem with Social Media Coverage of the Boston Marathon Tragedy

Are Publishing Tools Harming Facebooks Edgerank or is it Smoke & Mirrors?

Often I am asked that if by using a 3rd party publishing tool to schedule and publish posts to Facebook will it decrease the overall reach of the published post? Some users are saying that they have data that suggests that they get better reach and engagement by publishing directly from the Facebook platform and … Continue reading Are Publishing Tools Harming Facebooks Edgerank or is it Smoke & Mirrors?

Social Media Technology Acquisitions – Superpowers Unite

Social Media Acquisition

The companies available for acquisition in the social CRM space just got a whole bunch smaller. Corporate giants Salesforce, Adobe and Oracle are building a monster. Acquiring social media management systems Virtue, Buddy Media, and Context Optional these companies are poised to make a move to dominate the social marketing, listening and CRM space. With … Continue reading Social Media Technology Acquisitions – Superpowers Unite

How Does Your Company Handle Change in Social Media?

The concept of social media remains the same; leverage your networks to introduce content that creates engagement and encourages sharing of that content. It’s a basic premise but often gets complicated due to the changes that happen in this fast paced and ever changing landscape of social media. How does your company handle and react … Continue reading How Does Your Company Handle Change in Social Media?

The Upside to the New Timeline Changes to Facebook Pages

April 1st 2012 was the day the entire landscape of how Facebook pages were presented to fans changed.  Several months prior personal profile pages switched to what is called a timeline view allowing users to create milestones or life events for things such as engagements, weddings and even those little additions to the family.  Many … Continue reading The Upside to the New Timeline Changes to Facebook Pages

DISH Network Charges us $14,898 for Monthly Service

DISH Network charges us $14,898 and tells us it’s our fault.  To DISH it’s no big deal. Two charges for $7,499 dollars within a week of each other certainly has to be a mistake right?  To Dish Network, it’s not a big deal they are just another multi million-dollar company that doesn’t care about their … Continue reading DISH Network Charges us $14,898 for Monthly Service

Gamification in Social Media – What is it and why do we LOVE it?

Gamification is the concept that you can apply the basic elements that make games fun and engaging to things that typically aren't considered a game.  The hot social buzzword of the week is much more then just a temporary fad to make so called social media “experts” sound more eloquent in their efforts to baffle you … Continue reading Gamification in Social Media – What is it and why do we LOVE it?